Take Action! Tell Congress to Support the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act

The threat of plastic pollution is only growing, and on top of using transparency to drive restaurants to improve with PlasticScore - we need legislative solutions that create the infrastructure and systems to support restaurants in this transition.

The Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act

Earlier this year, allies in Congress introduced first-ever, comprehensive legislation that advances systemic solutions to the plastic pollution crisis. The Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act (BFFPPA) would curb the amount of single-use plastics polluting our environment at the source, and support reusable solutions for restaurants. This is a huge opportunity to finally address the amount of plastic polluting our environment, and we need your voice to make it happen.

The Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act creates a federal legal framework for: 

  • Reusable packaging programs

  • Reduction of single-use plastic (by phasing out disposable utensils and making plastic straws available upon request only)

  • Improved composting & recycling infrastructure

  • Increasing recycled content in packaging

  • A nationwide beverage container refund program

  • Shifting the burden of plastic waste from consumers to the companies producing it

There is support from the restaurant industry for the BFFPPA, and we encourage you to join us and our friends at Oceana in reaching out to your legislators and letting them know you support it too!

Make your voice heard TODAY to let your legislators know you support a future without trashy dining!

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