Plastic Free July Reusable Blitz
Celebrate local businesses providing us with reusable, refillable options
For all of Plastic Free July, PlasticScore will be joining organizations around the country in a Reusable Blitz campaign to celebrate businesses that offer reuse and refill options and letting those don't know that it's safe to do so!
Here’s how it works
Step 1: Dine out or get takeout at a restaurant and leave a review on PlasticScore
Dine-in or order take-out at local restaurants in your community, and leave a review on the PlasticScore app!
We fund the recovery of plastic waste for every sustainability review and use the data to help restaurants improve.
Step 2: Celebrate reusable-friendly businesses
If you encounter a business that accepts or serves with reusables celebrate them on social!
Take a photo of the business and/or with the business owner/staff (make sure to ask for their permission first!)
Post the image on your social media channels with the copy below (and don’t forget to fill in the blanks where the bold text appears):
Check it out! We’re celebrating businesses in our community that accept or offer reusables and [INSERT BUSINESS NAME] in [CITY, STATE] is one of them! Make sure you stop by for [a bite to eat on reusable foodware OR your morning coffee with your reusable mug] and help us support businesses that are doing their part to fight plastic pollution.Please tag the business’ social media accounts in the post and be sure to include the hashtags #WeWelcomeResuables #ReusableBlitz #ZeroWasteDining
If your account is public, please tag PlasticScore and our friends at UPSTREAM to amplify your posts!
Instagram: @plasticscoreco, @upstreamsolutions
Facebook: @plasticscore,
Twitter: @plasticscore, @upstream_org
LinkedIn: @plasticscore, @upstreamsolution
Step 3: Share the reusables educational handout or drop off a informational business card (optional)
If you encounter a business that doesn’t accept or offer reusable/refillable options feel free to share this educational handout or drop off a business card to connect them with resources on that details how:
Reusables can save businesses money
Reusables are safe even during the pandemic
Reusables improve the dining experience and increase customer loyalty
Remember to not blame or shame the business! Focus on providing them with educational information about reusables, which will hopefully inspire them to make the switch.
Sign up to lead a team
If you’re interested in organizing a team and leading a reusable blitz in your community, let us know!