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Takeout Truths: A Look at Styrofoam

We have a gut feeling that styrofoam isn’t good, but why? We took a look at styrofoam, what it's used for and why it's a hazard to the environment. Read below to learn more about styrofoam and some facts about this convenient, yet environmentally hazardous product. 

Styrofoam Fact #1 - Cheap and Convenient… But Complicated

Styrofoam is a common name for expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam. It’s a light and brittle material derived from petroleum, and used for take-out containers, cups, plates, and more. It keeps hot things hot, cold things cold, and is really cheap, which makes it a common choice for dining disposables.

But this type of material comes with major environmental and health side effects that lasts for hundreds of years after the product's useful life.

Styrofoam Fact #2 - Breaks Up Instead of Breaking Down

Styrofoam doesn’t biodegrade, but breaks keeps breaking up into smaller and smaller pieces called micro-plastics. If it ends up in the environment, turtles and other wildlife can mistake it for food. Many times, micro-plastics can not easily be seen by the human eye, which makes cleaning up extremely hard. 

Styrofoam Fact #3 - Contributes to Climate Change

As a single-use item and a petroleum product, styrofoam contributes to climate change as energy and resources are used to create something that is used for only a few minutes before being thrown away.

Styrofoam Fact #4 - Health Concern

Styrofoam is made out of a petroleum product called styrene. 

Styrene is “reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen,” and small amounts of styrene can be transferred to food.

Styrofoam Fact #5 - Destined for the Landfill, or Worse

Styrofoam has a very low potential for recycling and is not accepted by most facilities. It's a single-use item that is created, used briefly, and then is bound for the landfill, or worse the natural environment.

Although styrofoam is convenient, it is extremely harmful to the environment. A majority of the styrofoam people see in their daily lives comes from food packaging, especially when ordering takeout. 

Looking for ways to reduce the amount of styrofoam you use when ordering takeout? Download the PlasticScore App in the App Store or on Google Play! PlasticScore is a restaurant rating app that allows diners to see if they will receive styrofoam and plastic or eco-friendly materials when dining in and ordering takeout from restaurants.